I’m a self-taught photographer born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. My love for photography began as a teenager when I was gifted a camera, and I’ve been capturing moments through the lens ever since.
I’ve been fortunate enough to travel the world—from the bustling streets of New York to the historic charm of London, the romantic landscapes of France, and the vibrant scenery of Portugal. Each journey allowed me to document beautiful landscapes, iconic monuments, and fleeting moments that become part of my ever-growing portfolio—a personal time capsule now shared with you.
I shoot with the NIKON Z8, NIKON D500, NIKON D7200, as well as a Samsung and iPhone. Every image I capture reflects my passion for storytelling and collecting visual keepsakes.
Thank you for exploring my work—what I like to call "Art Candy." I hope my photography resonates with you, and perhaps one day, one of my pieces will find a special place on your wall.